13 авг 2024
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Cyber Insurance premiums changes in the past year

In the past year, the cyber insurance market has seen several changes in premiums:

📌 Increase in Direct Written Premiums: Standalone cybersecurity insurance direct written premiums for 2022 increased by 61.5% from the prior year.

📌 Stabilization of Prices: The market began to see some correction in 2022 and into 2023, with cyber insurance prices beginning to stabilize. Direct written premiums in the admitted market increased by approximately 50% in 2022, compared to a more than 75% increase in 2021.

📌 Decrease in Policy Growth Rate: The number of policies in force decreased by 6.8% in 2021 but increased by 4.4% in 2022.

📌 Endorsements and Exclusions: Insurers are implementing endorsements around security measures to limit their exposures and tightening policy language, restricting coverage by exclusions.

📌 Increased Accountability for Cyber Hygiene: Insureds are held more accountable for their cyber hygiene to receive coverage, and the application process has become more complex.

📌 Moderation of Rate Increases: Cyber insurance prices in the United States rose 11% year over year on average in the first quarter of 2023, which was a smaller increase compared to the 28% rise in Q4 2022. The rate of increase has been moderating, with an average increase of 17% in December 2022, down from a December 2021 high average increase of 133%.

📌 Decrease in Pricing: Cyber insurance pricing continued to decrease in the US, declining 6% in the third quarter of 2023.

These changes indicate a market that is experiencing a shift from rapid premium increases to a more stable and moderated growth in premiums, with insurers becoming more selective and cautious in their underwriting practices.
